Thursday, April 14, 2011

O Diane [On hearing that Diane Wakoski will retire soon]

O Diane,
the King of Spain has abdicated,
and sings beneath your window.
and the Father of our Country
has admitted his mistake, has dropped
the hatchet, and this very moment
plants cherry trees in recompense.
O Diane,
we're burning the motorcycle
Jason wants to take you to the movies,
and Ben Franklin is holding a seat for you
at the poker game.
Heck, we've forgotten where that sonofabitch is even buried.
O Diane,
I still hold a pen
because of you,
I still beat these keys into a pulp
because of what you taught me
O Diane
I've always been a hitchhiker
burning like mountain ash berries in August;
but did you ever realize
you picked me up
years ago?

1 comment:

  1. This is so wonderful, it should be read at her serenade. I've bugged Ruth to get me details
